Bright Future
Read Proverbs 23:17-18 below.
Don’t be jealous of sinners; instead, always fear the Lord. For then you will have a future, and your hope will never fade.
The start of a new year, for many, is a new beginning of sorts, a time to reset and refocus, and a hope for a better year than the last one. So, from where does this hope come?
Our key verse instructs us to fear the Lord always. Does that sound strange to you? Does this mean that we are to be afraid of God, scared of His anger, and frightened of His punishment? No, not at all. We must develop a heart posture of deep, reverent respect and awe for God.
When we fear the Lord, we surrender our life to Him, seek Him daily, align ourselves with His eternal purposes, and recognize that His plans are good. As we take these steps, obedience, trust, and a longing to live in a way that pleases Him will follow.
And, He promises that we will have a future, a future that is secure, and a hope that will never fade. Our hope is not tied to temporary circumstances or earthly rewards. Our future for eternity will be spent with Him in heaven. In the meantime, we will experience a full and meaningful life on earth. He will reveal our future to us a step at a time.
On my last trip to the Dollywood theme park in Pigeon Forge, TN, I wanted to ride the newest roller coaster, Big Bear Mountain. Standing in line, I experienced so much anticipation. My heart was beating faster than normal and I was sweating a little, even in the cold. As I passed through the gate and was seated, the adrenaline was pumping. I strapped on the harness and was off for an incredibly fun ride. If I had let fear or anxiety take over and not ridden the ride, I would have missed out! When we seek Christ and wait on Him with anticipation and expectancy, life will be one awesome adventure.
Perhaps you have many questions about the new year and all that it may bring. Maybe you are facing a difficult situation or uncertainty. Maybe you have something you are looking forward to. I, too, wonder what this year may look like. This truth I cling to: God wants the same for me, my family, and for each of us - a bright future, no matter where we are on the life journey.
May this new year be a reminder of God's faithfulness, a chance to reflect on His blessings, and an invitation to trust Him with the future. If we truly follow the guidance in these verses, we better strap on our harness for the ride of our life!
Call to Action
Make a list of things in your life that are keeping you from surrendering your life and aligning with Him. What other “things” are taking your time and loyalty?
Make a list of things you want to see God do in your life this year.
Turn these lists over to God and allow Him to show you the changes that you need to make in your life this year to be fully devoted to Him. Keep your list of what you want to see God do and come back to it at the end of the year.
Digging Deeper
Read and meditate on Jeremiah 29:11-13. God has a plan for each of our lives. This is not just a mediocre plan, but one to give us a future and hope. How comforting to know that God hears us and listens when we call to Him. The key to knowing God’s plan is seeking Him with all our heart. Commit to be a person of prayer and to be in the Word this year.
God, help me to seek You in all I do and trust You with my future in this new year.
Key words: future, surrender, adventure
Copyright © 2025 Kyle Cravens