Shaking Off the Winter Blues

Now that winter is officially here, do you desire to stay in and hibernate until spring? Shortened daylight hours. Cloudy, dark skies. Cold temps. Snowfall, sleet, freezing rain. Those are some of what winter brings that many of us dread because they can bring about a change in us. Do you sense a shift in your mood, feeling more down or sad? Are you sleepy and fatigued more during the day? Do you notice that you are more irritable and withdrawn? If so, here are some tips for shaking off the winter blues.

Embrace Daylight 

Find time to be outside as much as possible, even with cold temperatures and cloudy skies, but especially when the sun is shining. Sunlight is a key factor! It plays a significant role in producing serotonin that is associated with happiness and well-being. Take a daily walk. Throw a ball with your dog in the backyard. Go for a bike ride. Build a fire and roast marshmallows. If you cannot be in direct sunlight for as long as you like or need, consider using light therapy by purchasing a light therapy lamp. 

Stay Active

Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, natural chemicals that can boost your mood, relieve stress, and make you feel better. Exercising 3-4 times a week for 20-30 minutes can make a big difference in your emotional and physical well-being. If you cannot get outside, go to a gym or find a routine you can do in your home. If you choose to go outdoors, plan ahead, check the weather, and layer clothing, as needed. 

Engage with Others

Fight the urge to withdraw and be by yourself because that can make the winter blues even worse. We need other people. Relationships and being around others can lift your mood, help overcome feelings of loneliness, and gain emotional support. Get involved in a small group at church. Plan lunch with a friend. Grab coffee with a coworker. 

Plan Enjoyable Experiences

Setting up activities to look forward to can go a long way in helping to combat the winter blues. Plan a weekend getaway, try a new hobby, schedule a night out with friends, go to a movie, do a DIY project around the house. Laughter and joy can have such a positive impact.

Set Boundaries and Limit Stress

Set a healthy work/life boundary. Do not overwork. Not wanting to be outside in the cold, gloomy weather may cause some to turn to do more work, but don’t let that be the case. Excess stress can cause feelings of being overwhelmed and sad, so limit stress by planning ahead, not procrastinating, taking breaks, and practicing stress management techniques such as breathing or stretching. 

Nourish Your Body

Eat a healthy diet with three balanced meals a day. Incorporate mood-boosting foods while avoiding comfort foods and heavy snacking. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Avoid too much caffeine and sodas. Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night and tap naps, as possible. Poor sleep can make you tired, irritable, and self motivated. Take vitamins, especially vitamin D. 

Connect with God

I would be remiss not to mention that connecting with God can make a huge difference in your outlook on life. In fact, this should be at the top of the list. He loves us and wants what is best for us. By spending time with Him, we get to know Him and He reveals Himself and His ways to us. Find a Bible reading plan. Make a prayer list and pray over it. Listen to worship music and spend time reflecting and meditating on Him. 

By implementing small changes into your daily routine, you can boost your mental and emotional well-being and make a big difference in how you feel, and in the end, beat the winter blues!

Copyright © 2025 Kyle Cravens


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