Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
GPS apps have become a normal part of life and travel. If I am heading somewhere that I have not been before or even to a destination that I know well, I will enter the address into my Google Maps or Waze apps to get directions or to see which way will get me to my destination the quickest. I am sure everyone reading this who has used a GPS has at some point been rerouted. Rerouting is a feature on GPS systems designed to help us as we drive to adjust our route when something unexpected happens, such as a traffic jam, an accident, construction, or even faster routes.
In life, we often set goals and make plans, whether career aspirations, personal achievements, or dreams. We envision an ideal path that seems like the best way to get where we want to go. But life doesn’t always go as planned. We might encounter unexpected setbacks—like a job loss, an illness, or other challenges. These obstacles can feel like roadblocks, forcing us to reconsider our path, experiencing a rerouting of our own.
In the life of a believer, God is our GPS. He has an ideal path for our life. If we say that we believe He is sovereign and in control, then we must trust that He knows best. When the unexpected happens or things do not work out the way we think they should, God doesn’t leave us stranded but recalculates and finds a new path. He gives us an opportunity to adjust, which often leads to a new, unexpected, and sometimes better path. We may later realize that it was a good thing that it didn’t happen the way we wanted.
Read Exodus 3:1-10. Moses was minding his own business tending sheep, probably content to be a shepherd when God called him to lead His people out of slavery and to life in the Promised Land. Moses was rerouted! That is exactly what happened in my own life twenty five years ago!
My first day on the job at Lifeway Christian Resources working with FUGE Camps full time was March 1, 2000.. Boy, the time has flown! This was certainly not my plan as a young college student. I had planned a career in accounting, and I was well on my way-accounting degree, CPA certification, and a job with a great accounting firm where I advanced nicely on the proverbial corporate ladder. Little did I know that God was about to reroute me, my life, and my plans to focus on ministry, camp, and furthering His Kingdom. He gave me opportunities to work with students at the local church level right out of college, which led me to attend camp, which led to my desire and ultimate opportunity to work camp. I thought it would be for one summer. Well, one turned into five summers, and then came the call to full-time surrender to camp ministry.
My discerning of this calling was not easy. I had major doubts and fears, and questioned if I was making the right move. I am beyond grateful that the Lord gave me the courage and boldness to trust Him and His plan. I would have missed so much if I had refused this redirection, such as the awesome opportunity to play a major role in providing a camp experience for thousands of campers each summer and investing in, mentoring, and helping to develop over 2,000 summer staffers. And, there have been so many other joys along the way. My career has been so fulfilling. I love what I do, and who I get to do it with. God really did know best, even if I was not always sure myself!
Plenty of other reroutes have happened along the way. But, God has been with me through all the twists and turns of life. We may find ourselves in places we never expected, but if we seek God, trust Him, and rely on Him, we will experience so much more than we could ever imagine!
Call to Action
Are there areas of your life that you need to surrender to God but you are holding on too tightly, afraid to let go and trust God?
If so, how can you create space for silence, prayer, and reflection to better discern His will?
Are you currently faced with major decisions (career, relationships, personal goals, health, etc)?
If so, will you trust God to lead you each step of the way or will you worry and allow fear to paralyze you?
Dig Deeper
For a deeper dive, check out the ways God led and directed the Israelites in the wilderness in these passages: God’s visible presence leading the Israelites in Exodus 13:21-22; God’s leading through the Red Sea in Exodus 14:15-16; God’s faithfulness in leading in the wilderness in Exodus 16 and 17; God’s continual guidance in Numbers 9:15-23.
Pray this prayer: God, I surrender my life to You. I ask that You guide me through the decisions I face and lead me in the paths that will bring me closer to You and Your purpose. Give me the wisdom to know Your will, the ability to trust You, and the courage to follow You wherever You lead.
Copyright © 2025 Kyle Cravens